Sunday, July 17, 2005

You Can Do It!

Hey guys!

It's amazing that I've managed to blog three times in three days despite the limited amount of time I spend at home of late! I guess blogging is an important part of my routine now, it gives me a chance to reflect on what's been keeping me busy and probably because it provides somewhat of an escape from what I physically do day to day (just read my last post! haha).

Anyway I'm just gonna go through a brief round-up of my week to justify why you guys haven't been able to catch me or why I've piked (yes, I'm so sorry)!

Monday I did the 9am-5pm at RED
Tuesday woke up early yet again for a 9am phone interview with Macquarie Bank
Wednesday had 6am start for a 9:30am flight into Sydney for final round of Qantas interview, got home about 11pm after exhausting day!
Thursday 9am-5pm at RED again
Friday also 9am-5pm at RED including YG at night which included a skit I sooo wasn't prepared for (which arguably made it better coz it was so lame ppl laughed!) and co-lead bible study I wasn't prepared for either
Saturday had first sleep-in in AGES, spent time with family then headed off to Anna's for early Sunday start
Today stumbled out of bed at 5:30am to prepare for stall at Camberwell Market which went till 1pm.

On top of the running around, my "To Do" list is getting bigger and bigger with no respite! It keeps me occupied during my 'spare time' and includes:
- finish reading two books (which I've both half-started)
- work on drumming technique
- book flights, accommodation and work out itinerary for USA trip beginning 26/11
- get passport!!!
- go physio and get the exercises needed for my knee to function normally again
- Jedi Academy action which I've grossly neglected since exams
- finish watching Smallville season 3 (it's taken about 2mths to do this omg!)
- correct some of my fob's thesis (the one I complained about in this post - yeah I gave in)

I'm not built to handle this much at one time methinks coz boy am I starting to feel it. Then again, as they say, "No rest for the wicked," - I'm booked for the 9am-5pm tomorrow and Tuesday at RED, not to mention a physio appointment on Wednesday. After that, it'll be 4 days (which includes dear Mr. Creed's 21st bday! heehee) before Uni begins!!! I guess it's all a test of character as Chops' manifesto has repeatedly established, therefore I say, "Bring it on!" (While singing and dancing to William Hung's "She Bangs" hehe inside joke ;P)


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