Monday, August 01, 2005

Goin On

Where: New Commerce Labs on Bouverie St
When: 1:55pm
Why: Break before class at 2:15pm

Haven’t had lunch and missed two classes this morning at 10am and 11am respectively, the latter being a Corporate Finance tutorial – poor effort! Day started with a bit of chaos, mum stressed me out wanting to scan info for a Section 32 (anyone doing Real Estate Finance? Law?) but no one knowing how to use the 3-in-1 printer since I only use it to print and photocopy.

Anyway I must say I had a really lax day yesterday which I thoroughly enjoyed. I've made a pledge to try and go back to tradition and try and make Sundays more a day of relaxing - one of the most significant steps so far was the decision to quit DJs and work at RED because I no longer have to work on Sundays.

More than that though, I've also decided to try and use Sundays as a time to reflect and actively do something about what I think is important, mainly educating myself about my faith in particular opening up the Bible and reading other Christian literature.

So back to yesterday, church service was pretty good on the whole, I was expecting it to be drab and weary to be honest ever since I heard that we would spend one hour watching Ps. Rick Warren (author of the Purpose Driven Life) introduce the book in the simulcast. I think this impression came from the 20min first week video that I watched two weeks ago with other cell group leaders in preparation for the 40 days because it was really dry.

Like I said though, it surprised me that I actually took the messages home from yesterday’s instalment and at one point I almost got teary when Rick was talking about his father.

After church I went to check out this warehouse sale on musical instruments and other items with Anna down in Richmond. Got there to find out that all but one drum kit already sold, although I did end up buying a CD-ROM on drumming.

In the evening went to Ian’s to poker it for the first time (after piking so many times) with regulars David and Frankie, and surprise package Isaac as well. I played over-cautiously and ended up coming 3rd of 5 then went to dinner at Bob’s Kitchen in Glen Waverley. Had a very interesting conversation with Texas Hold ‘Em compadres D, F and I over Shanghai noodles.

Anyway just wanted to share my chill day yesterday but I gotta scoot – go the quick lunchies then off to class! I hope that today, 1st August 2005 is a special day for y’all! Yee-haw!


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