Friday, September 09, 2005

Boyz II Men

Last night was awesome.

It began slowly with the decided 5pm meeting time at Festival Hall seeing us finish eating dinner at Maccas next to Vic Market at 6:30pm. We arrived at the venue by 7pm and lined up till the doors opened at around 8pm. The security was tight and they required we produce ID to prove we were over 18. I just assumed that I would easily pass since I'm actually 22, and even when I was underage I looked over 18, but they checked everyone nonetheless. Without the card I would've had to run back to Dave's car, grab my licence, run back and line up for who knows how long! Luckily my guardian angel gifted me with a Deakin Uni student ID card...which assumed my name was Justin Khor...and had a photo that looked strangely like one Justin Khor I know from YG. Haha thanks Juzzy!

Anyway we got in and we were pumped! On the way to the venue, Chops and I gave heartfelt renditions of the greatest love songs of all time which stupified Dave and Tam. They also laughed, and oh how they laughed. (I'm used to ppl laughing AT me so I can't tell the difference anymore haha.) I also met Leanne who claimed to be an avid reader of my blog (I don't know if you should be telling ppl that coz you might be shot and I don't take any responsibility for that! Haha).

Random from X-Factor was the supporting act but they weren't my cup of tea. However, they were Aussies and in need of a break so kudos to them, I was in a generous mood afterall. The emcee then continued with more banter and showboating which included a singing competition for backstage passes. The first two girls who went up sang terribly! They were honestly worse than my dog, and that's bad...because dogs can't sing. Anyway the final girl went up and sang well. She even got the crowd to join in on "End of the Road" which I thought was quite special.

Then the moment we had all been waiting for...on came Boyz II Men! They began with "On Bended Knee" which is my fav song and the show continued. The highlights included a guy near me shouting a request for "In the Still of the Night" to which the Boyz obliged, the crowd going WILD when B2M sang "I'll Make Love to You" while tossing out roses and of course, the 2nd last song "End of the Road" at which point each member of the audience suddenly made 6000+ friends.

The night finished at Stalactites where nine of us had meat platters and souvlaki's. I got to bed very late, woke up very early and my voice sounds subtley different (as pointed out by Vic when he asked if I had a cold) but it was well worth it. The nostalgia was overwhelming; not only was it a concert by great artists, but it brought back flashes of the good old MHS days when during lunchtimes in the library us boys would sing acapella to B2M, Usher and Montell Jordan with The Fresh Prince, Mr. Smith himself, peppered within. Plans to have karaoke during the mid-sem break look to be very promising. Just know that I'm now ready to rock people...bring it onnnnnnn!


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