Monday, November 14, 2005

So Exciting!

one more week till freedom - last exam (principles of marketing) on the 21st november. looking forward to THAT! but before then have EPM 3hr b*tch this friday.

then on the 25th will be annual dinner which im really looking forward to - theme is 70s and 80s! maaan, if there's a cool theme to an event, it's 70s and 80s. only done two in my lifetime, both 21st birthdays but didn't dress it that much. annual dinner will be different. still thinking about what to wear. hmmm...mullet or afro? leather or velvet? glove or no glove? (MJ eat your heart out!) decisions, decisions!

went to the airport today to drop off bro's uni friend on his way back home to singapore. going there gave me goosebumps, oh how i love the airport! like i was explaining to vic (who was meant to come over and study but ended up coming along on our little adventure), airports are always filled with awesome memories! you're either going on a cool, fun, holiday to spend, spend, spend...OR relatives/friends are coming to visit - which means GIFTS! haha it's great!!! even if your parents are going away, ok you'll miss them, but hey means you probably have the house to yourself and any siblings - which is also bonus!!! it's a win-win-win situation: quoc and chops, how's that for good odds ey? haha

went to see the planes on the aircraft viewing deck. in about a week and a half i'll be flying the longest flight i've ever flown! i cannot wait! i think the finances are settled too despite me not having enough $$ to pay off my credit card today! selling my car is well underway (already had an offer but dad's waiting on something better) and just liqudated my shares in Commonwealth Bank so expecting that hefty little capital gain in my bank account very soon! budgeted for about $7000 for the US trip and now i'll end up with more than double that! but i'll prob give whatever i don't spend back to my parents.

anyway, better go finish off my EPM summary. have a good one peoples!


Blogger Leanne said...

hay greg, have an awesome trip to the US, keep us posted on your adventures.

as for "i'll prob give whatever i don't spend back to my parents".. that is too too kind..

anyhoo i find i sometimes go around diff peoples blog too, haha its a really good procrastination tool especially when you have an exam the next morning..

good luck for marketing!! it'll be fun :)

Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:10:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:31:00 pm  

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