Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Decided to retract my last post.

Tonight I got fully ripped. Last night I was totally out of sorts and way in over my head. Listening to others share tonight at committee meeting gave me a much needed kick in the ass. I can't believe how petty and spoilt I can be sometimes.

The irony was no more evident when my dad got into my car and started the engine. Despite all the problems and the grief my car gave me on Monday night, despite the fact that the RACV guy told me the car wouldn't work, despite him also cutting the wires to the car and only being able to run after hotwiring, despite me praying that God would work a miracle that night, the engine never purred more confidently than tonight. That was the miracle God held back from me to test my character and faith. How badly I failed.

Once again, a lesson I so often forget, God has His own timing. Daniel shared a passage tonight from the gospel of Luke which I thought was highly relevant - Luke 9:57 - "I will follow you wherever you go." and Luke 9:58 "...the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." I guess this typefies what it means to follow Jesus, that often there will be hardship and little rest. In conclusion, I have to remember that even though it's the harder life now, eternally it will be the better existence.


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