Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Hmm so I'm sitting here at 10:10am on a Wednesday morning once again doing payroll for work. I really should be doing work instead of blogging but, you know...

Just had a browse at other ppls' blogs and seems like yesterday was "posting day". Reading Julz's blog has me really thinking about my imminent USA trip. There is still so much to do! Book accommodation, plan itinerary, get a passport, sell my car...

I don't know what you're laughing at right now, the fact that I'm going overseas in less than 2 mths and still haven't got a valid passport, or the fact that I'm selling my car...yes, to fund my trip!

It's amazed me at the responses of everyone whom I've told about the idea of selling my car to fund my US adventure. It's usually met with rolling on the floor laughing or "ROFL" for you MSNers out there. Is it really that far fetched? I guess it's put more into perspective when I tell them that my parents have been wanting to buy me a new car for a while so chances are when I get back I'll just get a new one right? Not to mention the fact that I'm gone for 2mths and so it'd be a waste paying car rego and insurance during that time. Yeah? Yeah!

Hmm anyway, for those of you that don't know, my car isn't like a long term one, it's just the average kinda jeep. So selling it won't really bring me to tears or anything of the like. It's not like I own a BMW or even a Holden Commodore (everyone gets a free ride in Sanji's new car!!!) and selling that off has large financial implications.

Hmm anyway, I should really get back to MYOB because it's starting to whisper subtle threats. Or maybe that's just my conscience.


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