Monday, October 03, 2005

Big Week!

Wow what a week! For me only blogging once in a week means something probably went wrong...or it went right! I'm pleased to announce however that it was the latter.

I'll spare you guys the details mainly because I have to get ready for Uni really soon (yes, first day back from the hols how painful). Anyway continuing on from last week's post, Tuesday I had an all day group meeting at Lena's. I'd say the assignment isn't too taxing but I guess we all have a tendency to bum coz we're slackers! Haha, on the bright side we managed to watch The Aviator which was a decent movie. Leo has a penchant for those rebel/pioneering roles doesn't he?

I also worked quite a lot last week, Wednesday, Thurs and Friday. At night I was going out also, with dinner at the Conservatory at Crown on Wednesday night - all you can eat seafood! Haha that was quite interesting. Even more interesting however was all you can eat Korean BBQ on Thursday night! Haha I won't even go there, but basically for Thursday and Friday I only had one meal. Friday night was also a good one, my cell group prepared for next week's singing and sharing night - should be good! After YG went to Blackburn Maccas to witness a "Nugget Off" which was a comp to see who'd eat 40 chicken nuggets! Haha congrats on those dudes who did it! I think there are photos on Drew's blog. I also had a great time mucking around with Vic, Mandy and Katie. Haha I'm really growing to love the "M&K show" they are a full bag-and-a-half of laughs when they're together!

Saturday I spent the day rehearsing for S&S night then had the Surin dinner in the evening. That was also pretty good even though the food was a bit spicy! All I can say is spicy in, spicy out! And it was definitely spicy out yesterday afternoon!

Speaking of which, yesterday I had my confirmation. I was really really nervous beforehand even though I'm not normally that freaked out before a public speaking event. It's normal for ppl to get the jitters, but usually I can deal with it. Yesterday however, when I had to share my testimony I was really packing daks! It was quite unfounded though, as after the service and even beforehand I had lots of words of encouragement. Thanks you guys! After service we went to Georges for a combined Brian bday/Ross farewell. Had waaayy too much to eat then went to have a go at Touch Rugby. Not a good combo. It was good to get some exercise and a sweat going since it was such a glorious day yesterday weather wise. You know spring is very much in full swing when tomorrow's forecast is 26! Huge!

After Touch, got home, showered and went to Ross' church. I think it's called Yarra Plenty Christian Church. They're pentecostal and were really enthusiastic and just out there which I thought was a really good change. Totally enjoyed it. Afterwards went to some chick's house to have pizza which was really cool too, met a lot of people! It was also a change from my norm, since Vic and I were practically the only asians there! Haha so definitely a good change of scenery for me, I loved it.

Anyway I'm gonna end it here since I'm still in my PJs. To Ross, even though I'm seeing you later today, you probably won't read this until just before you leave on Tuesday so I'll do my little farewell now. Have a great year in Japan! Make sure you blog heaps about your shenanigans and the goings on in the land of the rising sun. You absolutely have to take that photo of three stereotypical Harajuku girls on each arm while wearing that "Yellow Fever" t-shirt! Haha you know you love it! Hope you have a really good time and don't forget us back here! I've said all the mushy stuff on the CD with Don't Be A Menance To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood. Make sure you don't read that until you get to Japan!

Anyway, in a Powerball-esque deep voice; another day, another million reasons to love life! That's hot.


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