Tuesday, October 18, 2005

More Goings On

Yeah, so I've become lazier in terms of my blog but hey that's not a bad thing is it? Less blogging = Have a life, right? Haha...hmmm.

Quick 411 on the last few days, played badminton for the first time ever on Saturday for Ellen's Taiwanese Student's Society thingy. Lemme say that my gluteus maximus is soooo damn sore! As well as my lower back muscles! Highlight of the day must be the sausage fest we had afterwards - about 100 snags but only about 5 people eating! Haha it was amazing. They had fried bacon & eggs, pasta salad, mustard sauce as well! Great stuff!

Sunday had to wake up at 8:30am because I was playing guitar for P&W! Was freaking out the night before coz there were two songs with really hard chords to play, but heaven sent me Ken Ibuki and he gave me the chords for use with the capo. So instead of 4 and 6-fretting it doing Bflats, Dflats and Eflats, I was only required to do Gs and Cs. Haha sweet. Also played soccer for the first time in AGES which was okay. We drew 4-4 and I almost busted a lung I was so unfit! I felt bad too coz I kneed a guy in the shin, I felt my knee go straight into it quite hard and he just keeled over. Needless to say, I was going for the ball so he was okay with it.

Did some admin today, including sending a letter off to TAB to reactivate my account since I incorrectly entered my pin three times! (Read Chops and Quoc, I'm getting my act together don't worry!) Also made the call to the optometrist to get contacts! That'll be interesting seeing as I've never had contacts before. After this post I'm heading to the PO to book an interview for my passport.

On other matters, been reading The Da Vinci Code which I must admit is a really enthralling read! Politics aside, it's a great fiction novel peppered with facts which I guess is why a lot of people believe the story is true! Haha...but yea, I've read about 200 pages in the last few days whizzing through it like crazy.

Hmm meant to be at Uni right now but decided to "take a day off" since Dave is coming over soon to finish off our massive Marketing assignment. Big props to Lanny for going to the 3-hr 9am class to mark my name off - I know how hard it is for you to go to Uni let alone rock up at 9am! Haha you derro, paint your face black already!

On the domestic front, for those of you that haven't been to my place recently the neighbours tore down their house. So now, walking to my front door, you can see the backyard patio of the neighbour two doors down. Also, in their infinite wisdom, the neighbours have decided that since they took down our fence, they can move the line over so that we lose about 30m x 30cm land. That would devalue our house by a substantial amount so legal proceedings are in the works. I've been commissioned by my dad to take photos and maybe I'll post them up later in the week.

Anyway, I've got errands to run and places to be. Till next time people, carpe diem!


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