Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Me, Myself and I

Hmm. Realised that I've built up quite a collection of blogs in my bookmarks. It's like a thing that I do, collect and categorise blogs - must be a melancholy thing. Those blogs have also led on to others and a few times I've stumbled across blogs where I've actually known who those people are! That tells me one thing (well two including the fact that I'm a BUM): there are people you probably don't suspect reading your blog!

In any case, WELCOME to my stalkers. Although I don't want to encourage you to like, harass me and take dodgy half nude photos of me, it's nice to think that people care about what you do hey?

So if you're new, I thought I'd share some stuff about myself that you might not normally get from just reading this blog.

1. I'm ultra shy when I first meet you.
2. I'm quite animated and playful when I get to know you well.
3. I'm not a touchy-feely kinda person but if you are then I'll happily oblige.
4. My interests are pretty wide-ranging so tell me something you like and I'll probably like it too.
5. I don't shy away from deep & meaningfuls if you approach me - you can always talk to me even if I don't know you well.
6. I get caught up in things quite easily so if you're a salesperson you've probably reeled me in.
7. I'm the type to try and keep the peace. I usually get scared of strong personalities unless they outwardly show they like me.
8. I'm very easy-going - you'll often hear me say "Yeah, I don't mind."
9. Usually up for anything new or different, I'll want try every ice cream flavour before deciding.
10. There are people that annoy me, but no one I hate.

Okay I think that's all. Some people might not agree with those, but it probably means you don't know me as well as you think you do! Haha. Okay better go to sleep now. Goodnight!


Blogger greggie said...

John 8:7
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:25:00 pm  

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