Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Beauty of Your Peace

thought i'd give this post some "atmosphere", some character if you will so that's why i've opted for the youtube video above. don't mind the actual clip, i admit the images are a little tacky but i'm sure behind them were good intentions. just focus on the soothing nature of the song.

so...i've come to a point.

i've been pushing and pushing for a while now without a break or respite, and i've felt the gentle urging for some rest. i'm going to plug back into that peace which has served me so well thus far.

so that's why i've opted to spend today at home reading. it's really quite peaceful. i've really taken to this reading thing again after a many year hiatus. i think i've covered about 13 or 14 books in the last few months!

even though i'm going to sydney in 2 weeks for work i might stay up there into the weekend just to spend some time to reflect and hang out by myself, away from the hustle and bustle and unforgiving schedule that is my life - recharge, and ready to finish off the 2nd half of the year in style! muchos excellente amigos! vamos!


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