Monday, October 16, 2006

2006: The Year in Review

Holy moly! I've just realised I've done so much this year and there's still two months till it ends!

I've been in six different countries (USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia) and I'm set to visit another four (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, China) before the year is out! Wow!

Not only that, but I also graduated from Uni! After five and a half long years it's over. And so begins another chapter in my life.

I would however, regard this year as a transition year. One in which I dabbled in some soul searching, where I spent a lot of time by myself and learnt so much more - not necessarily in an academic sense, but more in a worldly way. Admittedly I did have a lot of spare time this year, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I did many things I had wanted to do for a long while but always said to myself, "Okay later when you have the time," and time I did have. I travelled, watched films you always tend to put off and say "I'll hire it next time," and read more books that gave me greater knowledge with a pinch of wisdom.

As such, I've decided to do a series which outlines what I experienced, what happened and what I learned each month of the year. Hopefully I'll be able to give you the lowdown for the month of December while I'm overseas but in reality it'll probably be short and vague. Speaking of which, I learnt this year that vague in French means wave...

Hope you guys enjoy this year as much as I do.


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