Wednesday, July 25, 2007

went to this world vision expo thing at Fed Sq on sunday. it was really good. i want to sponsor a kid, but i dont want to pick because i feel that by choosing one, i'm condemning the rest. as such, i've decided to donate to the fund in general.

just like the 40 hour famine that's coming up. i dont want to sponsor ppl individually. coz that forces me to play favourites. i'll just donate a lump sum to the pooled amount.

work is going swimmingly. although im getting over the novelty of it all, and finding it hard to get out of bed every single weekday by 7am, it's as good as it could be. it's still a challenge, i enjoy sitting there toughing out the hard issues and really reaching deep into my head to figure stuff out. it could be a lot worse.


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