Friday, June 08, 2007

curse you sheep

being the organiser of an event has reared its ugly head again.

if everyone just stuck to one thing it'd be so damn easy and simple. instead you've got ppl replying through others, last minute rsvp's, last minute piking and just a general lack of respect.

i've learned that when you're an organiser of events you have to be a hardass, no less. so dont be surprised if next time i organise something and you see hardass Greg coz i'm not wasting extra time, on top of the time it takes to get the thing together, to follow you up and look after every single person.

when all people have to do is reply a single bloody email saying yay or nay, somehow it gets so convoluted into this friggen monster. it's really not that hard! it just seems that so many people just wander aimlessly, waiting for this and that, not being decisive, daydreaming, unreasonably expecting that whoever organising not only has to pull the event together, but is somehow also responsible for each individual getting there, staying there, transport, chasing up yes's which are rumoured to be no's and vice versa. pathetic.

from now on if i organise something and for some reason you have to pike or you're a late replier saying you're coming, don't expect me to bend over backwards for you. and if you're lucky and i do, you'd better be bloody grateful for it. i dont want any credit for organising it, i just dont want you to make it harder for me.

like was well said in Pulp Fiction:

"If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So pretty please, with sugar on top - clean the fuckin' car."


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