Saturday, March 31, 2007

Big Trouble In Little China

Big Trouble In Little China (1986)

I wouldn't expect this to be a film I'd enjoy now, maybe when I first saw it around 10 years of age, but I was duly surprised last night at Vic's when a group of us watched it as it was playing as one of those late night movies.

Oh how I didn't realise how comedic it was, I'm not sure if it was intentional but it was funny as! I remember watching it as a kid I was actually kinda creeped out by the Lo Pan character but last night there was one bit that I LOL'd at, when Lo Pan was run over by the massive Mack truck Kurt Russell was driving. That was classic!

So, another weekend that I have to cherish. I'm heading out to my first client on Monday which should be interesting.

Have a good one people.


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